14:44 PM

MOLAP hosts 2022 Lawyers’ Assistance Conference

Lawyers from across the state gathered Friday, Nov. 4, in Jefferson City for the 2022 Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Conference. The annual event is an opportunity for continued education, collaboration, and celebration – all centered around lawyer well-being.  

Following a welcome from Missouri Bar President Lauren Tucker McCubbin, attendees heard from a series of speakers discussing professional boundaries and personal fulfillment; approaches for lawyers looking to live their most authentic life; and the ethics of well-being.  

During a special luncheon presentation, sponsored by The Bar Plan, Missouri Bar Lawyers’ Assistance Program recognized Brent Cantor, David Lurie, and Athena Dickson with its annual James T. Britt, Warren Welliver, and Dorothy Kaiser awards. 

Afternoon conference sessions focused on judges and mental health; interventions under Rule 16; and well-being in a tech-centric world.  

See photos from the day here.