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Meet your new YLS Council Representative, John Boyer, Southern Appellate District

John Boyer Twitter

John Boyer of Joplin was recently elected to represent the Southern Appellate District on the bar’s Young Lawyers’ Section Council.  

The Missouri Bar Young Lawyers’ Section (YLS) works to facilitate the professional growth and public service of new and recently admitted Missouri Lawyers. The YLS Council is comprised of approximately 35 lawyers from districts across the state who are elected by their peers to serve two-year terms.  

Boyer answered the following questions to help his constituents get to know him. 

What are you most looking forward to in your role as a YLS Council member?  

“I am most excited for the opportunity to make new connections with attorneys around the state. I'm also excited about the type of projects that I think can be accomplished through YLS to assist people in our state better understand and access our legal system.”  

What do you want other young lawyers to know about the YLS or The Missouri Bar? 

“New lawyers, and lawyers in general, are not alone. I think most new lawyers experience a bit of imposter syndrome when they start practicing. Knowing that there is an organization of people who are going through similar experiences is truly an invaluable thing for a person's mental health.”  

What made you want to be a lawyer?  

“For about 90% percent of my life, I never thought I'd be an attorney. However, as I went through my education, I realized that I loved helping people and had certain skills that made me more adept to the practice of law.”  

Who is your personal hero? 

“I don't think I could say that I have a single personal hero. My father was and is still a hero of mine. He taught me how to love people unconditionally regardless of who they are or how they live. My friend Cristen is my hero because she taught me how to be patient even when the world is crumbling. My friend Keegan is my hero because he has always believed in me and pushes me when I need it but don't realize it. My colleagues and staff of not only Legal Aid of Western Missouri, but also our Joplin office are my heroes because they show me every day that there are passionate people in the world fighting hard for people who are often overlooked.” 

What is your favorite way to spend a day off?  

“I'm a big video game lover. A blissful day for me is spending it with my online friends and family grinding dungeons, yelling at each about the newest raid mechanics, or getting annihilated in PVP.” 

Is there anything that you would like members of the bar to know about you?  

“I want any attorney, young or older, experienced or new, big firm or solo small practice, [to know] you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, reach out. I don't always have the right answer, but I will listen.”