09:58 AM

Reminder: Lawyers have until Aug. 15 to vote in board, YLS elections

Contested vacancies in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Northeast Missouri

Missouri lawyers in St. Louis County (District 9) and Kansas City within Jackson County (District 12), and Young Lawyers’ Section members in Northeast Missouri (District 2), Jackson County (District 3), and St. Louis County (District  8) only have a few days left to cast their votes in The Missouri Bar Board of Governors and YLS Council elections.

Lawyers must cast their electronic ballots by 10 a.m., Aug. 15. Click here to vote in the Board of Governors election. Click here to vote in the YLS Council election.

Meet the candidates
While there are 15 districts which have Board of Governors vacancies this year, Districts 9 and 14 are the only two with contested elections. There are uncontested races in Districts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and the Southern and Western district seats. Click here to see a list of candidates running for the 2023-24 Board of Governors.

There are 18 upcoming vacancies on the Young Lawyers' Section Council. Vacancies occur in  Districts 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12, as well as the diversity seats for the Southern and Western appellate districts.  Of those vacancies, only three districts -  2, 3, and 8 - have contested elections. View the candidates in contested elections here and the candidates in uncontested elections hereClick here to find your YLS district. 

Cast your vote 
To vote in the Board of Governors election, Missouri Bar members must complete an electronic ballot, which was emailed July 20 from the Office of State Courts Administrator. You must sign in to the electronic elections portal using your Missouri Bar enrollment number and personal identification number (PIN).

YLS members can click here to access the ballot. They must sign in with their Missouri Bar enrollment number and password, which is the same information used to access all member features at MoBar.org

Lawyers are eligible to vote in the board election based on the district your primary work address corresponds with (and that is on file with The Missouri Bar). You can cast as many votes as there are vacancies in your district. 

Troubleshoot technical problems
If you have technical issues accessing the board voting portal website, contact OSCA at 888-541-4894 or osca.help.desk@courts.mo.gov. If you did not receive a ballot or if you believe you received a ballot for the wrong district, contact the Office of Attorney Enrollment at the Supreme Court of Missouri at 573-751-4144 or mae@courts.mo.govMissouri lawyers have until Aug. 15 to cast their votes in The Missouri Bar Board of Governors and YLS Council elections.

If you are experiencing difficulties voting in the YLS elections, please contact The Missouri Bar at 573-635-4128 or mobar@mobar.org. All other questions related to the election should be directed to Brett Rolwes, YLS staff liaison, at brolwes@mobar.org

The Board of Governors is a 45-member elected group of lawyers who represent the members in their districts. The board helps shape strategies to fulfill the bar’s goals of improving the profession, the law, and the administration of justice on behalf of all Missourians. 

The YLS Council is composed of approximately 35 young lawyers elected to serve their respective districts. Council members help enhance the professional growth and public service of lawyers 35 years old and younger and/or who have been practicing for five years or less.