15:52 PM

A message from Megan Phillips: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Let’s normalize real talk about tough subjects.

My grandfather died by suicide when I was three – a fact I learned only recently because no one talked about it. Today, fortunately, the stigma around mental illness and suicide is waning, as sufferers and survivors courageously speak out to help others. Effective law firm leaders understand that lawyer and staff well-being impact client service.

Lawyers experience depression at nearly three times the national average, and one in five contemplates suicide at some point. If this is you or someone you know, The Missouri Bar can help.

The Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program offers free and confidential counseling services and referrals for lawyers, law students, and their families. Law firms can obtain the bar’s lawyer well-being toolkit anytime to implement best practices customizable for any workplace. Throughout the year, we offer suicide prevention training, wellness CLEs, and myriad opportunities to connect with and support one another.

This Friday, we are offering a no-cost ethics CLE to combat burnout and prioritize mental well-being. Sign in from anywhere to find out what happy lawyers do differently. We also invite you to participate in any of the four Out of the Darkness walks taking place in Springfield, Columbia, Kansas City, and St. Louis.

Let’s normalize real talk about tough subjects. And friends, if you are suffering, you are not alone. You matter to this community, and we are here for you. Hold on. Reach out. Take care of yourselves and each other.

megan phillips headshotMegan Phillips
Missouri Bar president elect

If you are thinking about suicide, know someone who is, or need to talk with someone, we encourage you to immediately call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Depression is treatable. For free, confidential screening, please contact the Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program at 800-688-7859. Reaching out for help is a sign of strength and hope.