14:08 PM

Sleep, trauma, silent disabilities, and more at forefront of hybrid Lawyers’ Assistance Conference

Lawyers looking for CLE and strategies for well-being are invited to attend the 2023 Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Conference on Nov. 2 in Jefferson City. Over the course of the day, attendees will hear from a slate of speakers presenting on mental health and substance use topics.  

"The conference is a perfect opportunity to collaborate and learn with like-minded lawyers,” said Raven Ballard, clinician and well-being coordinator for The Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program. “With presenters covering a range of topics, attendees will walk away with an even better understanding of well-being issues in the profession – and how to tackle them." 

This is the 28th annual conference, which is sponsored by The Missouri Bar, The Bar Plan, and The Missouri Bar Foundation. Featured programs include:  

  • Don’t lose your personal identity! You are more than just a lawyer 
  • The importance of sleep to our overall health  
  • The 12 steps of recovery, as worked through the Rules of Professional Conduct  
  • Addressing silent disabilities in the workplace 
  • Trauma in the legal profession 
  • The righting reflex: Stress management and well-being for attorneys and other human beings 

Recipients of the 2023 Dorothy Kaiser Award, James T. Britt Memorial Award, and Warren Welliver Award will also be recognized. 

To register for in-person or virtual attendance, go to MoBarCLE.MoBar.org.